Minnesota and mining: Our children, our waters and wild rice are political pawns

Photo by CC/Flickr/Brett Whaley

The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) announcement came just two weeks before public comments were due for PolyMet’s Supplemental Draft Environmental Impact Statement. PolyMet’s proposed NorthMet Mine is the first in a long line of sulfide mining projects aimed at turning Minnesota’s Superior National Forest, the lake country of […]

St. Louis County Board rushes past Citizen involvement…if they can. Legal?

Fealty Demanded

Iron Range Politicians demand fealty from St. Louis County Board regarding a BWCA land swap to benefit Copper mining in Northeastern Minnesota, all their subterfuge aside.

In a meeting intended for business so urgent that it cannot be delayed till the next meeting on January 8th, St. Louis County Commissioners passed a […]

DFL Candidates Vie To Replace Vulnerable MN GOP Congressman

VIDEO Thanks to Kristin Larsen, chair of the St. Louis County DFL who provided The UpTake with this unedited video of the forum and the UpTake for posting this VIDEO. This video give you an opportunity to hear from all three DFL candidates desirous of replacing the highly vulnerable GOP Congressman Chip Cravaack. The candidates […]

Response to Tommy Rukavina

Tommy Missed the Point-Of Course

When Tommy Rukavina wrote his counterpoint to the two part article I wrote contrasting Vermilion Range iron mining to the proposed copper nickel mining, he was so far off base, I wondered if he had really read it at all. As several people pointed out in their responses […]

Rukavina lambasts Minnesota Tourism, Mike Hillman and Bob Tammen

Beatings by Rukavina

Tommy Rukavina’s reaction to the article below by Mike Hillman, comments made by Bob Tammen and I believe current citizen backlash against Non-Ferrous (Sulfide Rock) mining can be felt in these recent comments he made in a letter to the Editor of the Timberjay.

Taconite dollars kept the tourist “economy” afloat, […]

The Cracks in the Copper mining Sales Pitch…becoming clearer.

Failure of MN State Agencies to protect our water

Watch the VIDEO of Ely Tuesday Group presentation. The slides that Paul Danicic presented during his presentation to the Ely Tuesday Group showed only a few but some of the major faults in the Copper Mining sales pitch we have been hearing for the last […]

Cravaack might be a Tea Party darling but he’s not the treatment we need to save our economy.

Representative Cravaack’s visit to Ely on June 29th brings up the image of a medical patient surrounded by a health care team trying to decide on a course of treatment while one of the team has the goal of killing the patient. Most government bodies in America need some treatment to recover from right wing […]

State Auditor Joins in the Hunt for Project Firefly

If the Executive Board of the Ely Area Development Agency thought they were going to clear the air regarding activities like Project Firefly by having a March Mixer where questions could be asked and answers given they were wrong. At the end of a contentious one hour meeting where the questions were many and the […]


By Wilderness Hawk

Intaxication is the euphoria you feel when you receive your tax refund…until you realize it is your money in the first place! And then you read about all the huge corporations in the U.S. that don’t pay any taxes at all.